Hi, my name is Tomás R.
I'm a Software Developer.

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About me

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Hi! I'm Tomás Raigal López, a technology enthusiast who started his journey in the world of programming at the age of 17. Currently, I am working as a web developer. 💻✨

I am always willing to learn. Right now I'm really into the world of best practices, clean code and communities.

  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Git
  • Testing
  • Laravel
  • Vue.js
  • Communication
  • Assertiveness
  • Respect
  • Feedback

My education

Web Application Development | 2021 - 2023

Place: I.E.S. Ingeniero de la cierva

Average grade: 7.8

Description: Develop, implement, and maintain web applications, using specific technologies, guaranteeing secure access to data.

Skills: Java, PHP, Linux, SQL, MySQL, CSS, XML, xPath, xQuery, HTML, OOP, UML, JavaScript, English

Arquitecture: Laravel, Bootstrap

Education Image


In the context of programming, a "kata" refers to a programming exercise designed to improve a developer's skills and practices.


This kata consists of, through TDD, recreating a children's game.
Write a function that takes positive integers and outputs their string representation. Your function should comply with the following additional rules:
- If the number is a multiple of three, return the string "Fizz".
- If the number is a multiple of five, return the string "Buzz".
- If the number is a multiple of both three and five, return the string "FizzBuzz".

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Rock Paper Scissors

This kata replicates the rock paper scissors game in order to practice skills such as TDD, pair programming or mob programming.

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Here you can see some of the projects I have worked on.

Password Generator

This project is a password generator that allows you to generate a password with the desired length and complexity.

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To-Do List

This project is a to-do list that allows you to add, delete, edit and mark tasks as completed.

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